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Social Care Solutions is...Quality & Excellence

Here at SCS, we often talk with our staff and our customers about our values; what they are, why they are our chosen values, and how we practice them.

Quality and Excellence is one of our fundamental values. From the very beginning and one of our key reasons for existing was our Founder and CEO Mel James observed poor quality assessments for foster and kinship carers having detrimental effects on children in care. SCS was born out of the desire to see improvements in assessment practices; not just in the assessments we write but in how we train and support other professionals to do the same.

Quality Assurance in Social Care Solutions is a foundational, practical step that sets us apart from others. Our internal QA team provides our teams, across all aspects including assessment, consultancy and training, with the assurance that not only is our brand maintaining a very high standard and our teams can be proud of the work we do, but also, and most importantly, the practice, content and presentation of every piece of work meets our Vision: Achieving improved outcomes for children, young people and families through quality service provision.

Quality Assurance. It can conjure images of auditing, checking data, fixing punctuation and grammar along with a plethora of red pen marks obliterating a carefully crafted report. Or, as we do in Social Care Solutions, the Quality Assurance process enhances not only all of those important elements but also ideas, practice wisdom and capacity to really dig deep, no matter what the topic. In a foster care assessment, for example, a solid Quality Assurance process allows for another set of eyes, that of an experienced practitioner, to provide a helicopter view and ask questions which are often the difference between an acceptable report and one which provides the reader with a beautiful colourful story of the subject. If we are assessing a couple, for example, the complexities, strengths and vulnerabilities can leave an assessor totally immersed, so with a strong, supportive and strengths-based Quality Assurance process, there are no gaps and the assessor is supported to ensure questions have been asked and issues explored. From our program evaluations, our project reports, our training; all elements go through the Quality Assurance process to ensure what we are doing and what we deliver is high quality. Every. Single. Time. That’s our commitment to Quality and Excellence for every child, young person, carer, family and client with whom we work.


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Social Care Solutions acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands where we work, live and play. We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their ongoing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to elders past, present and those of the future; the children and young people we work with today. We are proud LGBTIQ+ allies and diversity advocates.

© 2023 Social Care Solutions Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 

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