SCS was up for nomination in a number of categories and was honoured to be considered alongside the likes of amazing talents in the creative and innovative practitioners from agencies such as Mercy Community Services, UnitingCare and CQID. When up against Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young, a ‘win’ was not anticipated but a great night was had by all. SCS did not go home empty handed. We ‘won’….two great raffle prizes, donated by the Honourable MP Leanne Linnard and Compass Seminars Australia!AUSMUMPRENEUR OF THE YEAR (THE BIG ONE)!!

Thanks to the entire team who make such nominations a reality for us, which speak to our dedication and commitment to the most vulnerable community in the state, the children and young people in child protection.
Image 1: Laura, Melissa, Carmen & Mel
Image 2: Carmen and Mel
Special mention to the SCS team in attendance; Carmen Bonner, Director, Melissa King, QLD Team Leader and Laura Donovan, Senior Trainer/Assessor for QLD.
Mel James, CEO